And the Stars Saw It All
And the Stars Saw It All
And the Stars Saw It All
And the Stars Saw It All

And the Stars Saw It All

5 350 страниц 11 часов чтения

And the Stars Saw It All is a heart-felt, multi-generational story of misguided romance, heartrending choices, remorse, and redemption. This translation from the original Russian provides a glimpse into life in Soviet Georgia and Russian—a world that was off limits for most of the English-speaking world at that time.

Русская версия — «А звезды видели все»


Principal Characters


Part One. Trials

      Chapter One

      Chapter Two

      Chapter Three

      Chapter Four

      Chapter Five

      Chapter Six

      Chapter Seven

      Chapter Eight

      Chapter Nine

      Chapter Ten

      Chapter Eleven

      Chapter Twelve

      Chapter Thirteen

      Chapter Fourteen

      Chapter Fifteen

Part Two. Sisters

      Chapter Sixteen

      Chapter Seventeen

      Chapter Eighteen

      Chapter Nineteen

      Chapter Twenty

      Chapter Twenty-one

      Chapter Twenty-two

      Chapter Twenty-three

      Chapter Twenty-four

      Chapter Twenty-five

      Chapter Twenty-six

      Chapter Twenty-seven

      Chapter Twenty-eight

Part Three. Changes

      Chapter Twenty-nine

      Chapter Thirty

      Chapter Thirty-one

      Chapter Thirty-two

      Chapter Thirty-three

      Chapter Thirty-four

      Chapter Thirty-five

About the Author

Cultural-Historical Notes

, 2018
Язык: Английский

Отзывы читателей

Marina Peter
Marina Peter, 06.07.2018
Очень интересная книга! Прочитала за один вечер, просто невозно было оторваться. Плакала вместе с героинями и благодарила Бога за Его великую любовь и милость.

Tamara Reznikova is a Christian writer and the author of a number of books.

Tamara Reznikova (nee Merkulova) was born in sunny Georgia.

In 1997, the Reznikov family moved to the United States for permanent residence. In 1999, the couple came to believe in God and devoted their lives to evangelism in USA, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Germany, Canada, Moldova. During these trips, meeting different people and learning their life stories, Tamara responded to God’s call to write Christian stories and poems, in which the reader, through the testimony of Christians, would open a ways to the Savior.

In 2005, the first testimony-story «The Pardoned» (russian «Помилованные») was published, in which Tamara and Viktor Reznikovs told their amazing and dramatic life story. In subsequent years, the stories of Tamara Reznikova «Liberation», «Queue to the Sky», «Intended to Live», «Composition», «Maya», «Apricot Tree» were published.

Tamara and Victor raised five children to whom they passed on their sincere faith.

Дикарка Тамара Резникова
Абрикосовое дерево
Абрикосовое дерево Тамара Резникова
Белые страницы
Белые страницы Тамара Резникова
Майя Тамара Резникова
Очередь в небо
Очередь в небо Тамара Резникова
Сочинение Тамара Резникова
Предназначена жить
Предназначена жить Тамара Резникова
Черта невозврата
Черта невозврата Тамара Резникова
Послание в салфетке
Послание в салфетке Тамара Резникова
А звезды видели все
А звезды видели все Тамара Резникова
Пустая корзина
Пустая корзина Тамара Резникова
Однажды в Сочельник
Однажды в Сочельник Тамара Резникова
Против попутного ветра
Против попутного ветра Тамара Резникова
Послання в серветці
Послання в серветці Тамара Рєзнікова
Красная лента
Красная лента Тамара Резникова
And the Stars Saw It All
And the Stars Saw It All Tamara Reznikova
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