Преобразующая сила Евангелия
Джерри Бриджес
Терпимые грехи. Руководство для обсуждения
Джерри Бриджес
Настоящая община. Библейская практика койнонии
Джерри Бриджес
Дисциплина благодати
Джерри Бриджес
Евангелие для настоящей жизни
Джерри Бриджес
Jerry Bridges is a Bible teacher and author of many famous books, such as The Pursuit of Holiness, which has sold millions of copies in the United States alone. He is considered a recognized classic of Protestant literature, easily combining in his books the depth and fundamental approach of presentation, as well as an emphasis on the life and practical aspects.
With a long-time commitment to serving the Navigators, for the past 15 years he has been Vice President of Ministerial Training and Christian Universities.