Думай, учись, преуспевай. Как научиться понимать свой ум…
Кэролайн Лиф
Думай и ешь разумно. Нейробиологический подход к ясности…
Кэролайн Лиф
Since 1985, Dr. Caroline Leaf, a specialist in hearing and speech pathologies, has been working in the field of cognitive psychotherapy. She focused on brain trauma and subsequent loss of ability, and how the discipline of thought affects thinking and learning. She developed the Geodetic Theory of Information Processing. Also in the 1990 s, Caroline did her own neuroplastic research, which shows that the mind changes the brain.
Dr. Caroline Leaf applied the data of her research in her twenty years of medical practice. Today she lectures and preaches around the world based on her topic. She has written numerous books, articles and scientific notes. She has been on many television programs as the main guest, including Joyce Meyer’s Enjoy Life Every Day, James and Betty Robinson’s Life Today, Sida Roth, Marilyn Hickey and many others. Today Caroline hosts her own TV program called Turn Your Brain on.
Dr. Caroline Leaf is passionate about and does everything for people to realize how much science and scripture are connected. Indeed, with the help of Scripture and the latest data from neuroscience, you can learn to think correctly, develop learning skills and ultimately find the true meaning of life.
Caroline lives in Dallas, Texas with her husband Mac and four children.