Strategic Solutions and Initiatives for Church Growth in Eurasia. Part 1
Andrei Meleshko,
Konstantin Teteryatnikov,
Michael Cherenkov
Current time is crucial for post-soviet churches of Eurasia. It is now that they are able to use their national experience and carry out an expert evaluation of the church impact in God’s work that is growing and increasing. Therefore, Mission Eurasia took the initiative to launch a research project that would combine experience of national experts in order to identify substantial indicators of growth of Evangelical Churches in the post-soviet countries.
We are delighted to present the first results of our large-scale analysis of national mission initiatives of evangelical churches and ministries of Eurasia. From these results, you will see not only challenges and difficulties, but also a plethora of opportunities. The church is growing and ministries are continuing. The main prospects depend, first of all, on local, creative initiatives and secondly, on effective international partnerships. We hope that this research will stimulate the expansion of national ministries and will inspire Christians from other parts of the world!
20th century was a great trial for post-soviet churches. Many of them did not survive, while others have changed beyond recognition. In the 21st century evangelical missionaries of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova face the same problems, although countries go their separate ways. However, openness of the churches, their ability to go «beyond the walls» of their own congregations and denominations — these are the basis for future revivals. Courage of preachers and their national character define the unique image of every Christian church to the glory of God. Thus this book is about that future.
Roman Lunkin, Sociologist of religion, Director of the Center for Study of Religion and Society, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Science
This research is the first attempt to evaluate national outreach initiatives of post-soviet evangelical churches, to investigate their religious and social potential, to find the most perspective models of relations between church, society, and state. Among the undeniable benefits of the book one can name large geographic and confessional range of the research, its impartiality, high level of expert evaluation, and practical orientation. I believe, this book will become a reliable help both for analysts and experts, specializing in trends and dynamics of development of the contemporary evangelical protestantism, and for practical ministers, who sincerely look for viable models to create influential missional congregations and projects.
Roman Soloviy, Director of the Research Center of Euro-Asian Accreditation Association
Who knows more about post-Soviet evangelicals than the post-Soviet evangelicals themselves? This ambitious and wide-ranging study achieves its stated goal of «draw[ing] Eurasia into the world map of missions.» It is an important resource for anyone interested in a vast and diverse part of the world.
Mary Raber, Lecturer at Odessa Theological Seminary, Missionary
A crucial time for the mission of the church in Eurasia
1. Objectives and tasks of the research initiative
2. Scope of the research
3. Project geography and denominational selection
4. Methodology and progress report
1. Churches in Ukraine: The missionary vanguard and hub of Eurasia
1.1. Places where growth is occurring in Ukraine: What are the prospects for development among evangelical churches?
1.2. Brief overview of research information
1.3. Potential of evangelical churches in Ukraine
1.4. The most effective Christian organizations in ministry. From international to national types of ministry
1.5. Why the churches that use national initiatives grow
1.6. Factors that influence church growth and its effectiveness
1.7. Factors that impede church growth in Ukraine
2. Categories of church ministries in society
Ministry to children and teenagers
Youth at risk
Family ministry
Ministry to refugees/IDPs
Church planting
Mission in profession
Religious freedom and the legal support of churches
Informal education of leaders
3. National models of effective church ministry in society
3.1. Youth ministry outside the church
3.2. A modern church for modern people
3.3. Gifts collected in Ukraine
3.4. Hope for refugees
3.5. The church for the whole city
3.6. When walls are unnecessary
3.7. Something large from something small
3.8. The church in the vanguard of society
3.9. When we are not indifferent
3.10. Family in focus
3.11. When children are in focus
3.12. We want the orphanages to be empty
3.13. A new impulse for Christian camps
4. Challenges and needs of evangelical churches of Ukraine
4.1. Needs: Staff, finances and technologies
4.2. Challenges: Apathy, war, materialism
1. The church in Russia: Life under pressure from the authorities
1.1. Pressure from the authorities and the quest for a “counter culture”
1.2. Who’s who in Russian Protestantism
2. Church ministries in society: Overview
2.1. General statistics
2.2. Church ministries
3. Organizations that are most effective in ministry: From international to national types of ministry
Children’s ministry
Youth ministry
Family ministry
Ministry to refugees
Church planting
Mission in profession
Religious freedom
Informal education of leaders
General conclusions on ministries
4. National models of effective church ministries in society
4.1. Ministering to youth at risk
4.2. Biblical hope for a megalopolis
4.3. Mission at the junction of three cultures
4.4. Social ministry as the main priority
4.5. Fight against legal lawlessness
4.6. A new-wave missionary church
4.7. Mission without borders
4.8. God’s Word for everyone
4.9. By saving lives, we change the community
4.10. Ministry to youth at risk
4.11. Serving one’s own generation
5. Challenges and needs of evangelical churches in Russia
5.1. Challenges that the evangelical churches of Russia face
5.2. The needs of the churches: Staff, lack of vision, and inner migration
1. General overview of the research results in Belarus
1.1. General statistics
1.2. Church ministries
2. Organizations that are most effective in ministry. From international to national models of ministry
Children’s ministry
Youth ministries
Family ministry
Ministry to refugees
Church planting
Mission in profession
Informal education of leaders
3. Examples of national models of effective church ministry in society
3.1. Mentoring orphans
3.2. Ministry through help
3.3. Training for ministry through profession
4. Needs and challenges of evangelical churches in Belarus
1. Churches in Moldova
2. Areas of Moldovan church ministry in society. General overview
2.1. General statistics
2.2. Church ministries
3. Organizations that are most effective in ministry. From international to national types of ministry
Children’s ministry
Youth ministry
Family ministry
Ministry to refugees
Church planting
Mission in profession
Religious freedom
Informal education of leaders
General conclusions on ministries
4. National models of effective church ministry in society
4.1. The voice of the church in civil society
4.2. Platform for a new generation of leaders
4.3. Young people for a healthy lifestyle
4.4. Through social projects to the Christian faith
4.5. Help a child to meet God
4.6. For those who are still outside the church’s “walls”
5. Challenges and needs of evangelical churches of Moldova
5.1. Challenges that the evangelical churches of Moldova face
5.2. Needs of the churches: Leaders, finances, and vision
1. The mission of the church in Asia is a source of hope in a destructive region
1.1. Points of growth on the map of Asia: What can be expected of evangelical churches?
1.2. The statistics. Analysis of the estimates
2. Christian organizations that minister in Central Asia
3. Inspiring examples of national models of effective church mission in society
3.1. Social ministry within the church
3.2. A word to young people
3.3. Preaching the gospel to women
3.4. Teaching effective leadership
3.5. The gospel for everyone
3.6. Flexible format of the influential church
4. The evangelical church in Central Asia: Challenges, tendencies, initiatives and possibilities
4.1. Challenges
4.2. Tendencies
4.3. Initiatives and possibilities
4.4. Needs of evangelical churches of Central Asia
1. General situation of churches in the Trans-Caucasus region
2. A brief research overview of the Trans-Caucasus
2.1. General statistics
2.2. Church ministries
2.3. Most effective ministry organizations
3. National models of effective church ministry in society
3.1. Azerbaijan: Evangelical influence in Islamic surroundings
3.2. Armenia: Answering the needs of society
3.3. Georgia: Taking the gospel to different levels of society
4. Needs and challenges of evangelical churches of Transcaucasia
Criterion 1: National focus
Criterion 2: Flexibility, creativity, and initiative
Criterion 3: Verification of effectiveness through evaluation of results
Criterion 4: Life application
Criterion 5: Integration with the church
Necessary steps on the way to building effective national models of the church’s mission in society
Preliminary research conclusions: What will the mission of tomorrow look like?